The auctioneer, Dan Rousch has volunteered his services to CKFD for the past 20 yrs. He and his wife, Jeanna, live in Tennessee and travel to AZ every September to work the auction for FREE for Chief Lombardo. This was going to be Dan’s last auction as he planned to retire when Cheif retired. During the auction Dan agreed to donate “One More Year” to Crown King Fire Dept! It will be near impossible to replace Dan and Jeanne, along with their staff, Don and Connie! They do an amazing job for CKFD. Thanks go out to Dan and Jeanna for agreeing to One More Year of service to CKFD.
The food was delicious as always and the atmosphere very friendly. This event is by far the favorite of the locals as well as cabin owners and visitors. Our very own, Crown King Rythm Billies kept the tunes rolling while guests danced the night away. Thanks to the generosity of many businesses and individuals, the proceeds from this fundraiser exceeded expectations. The CK Fire Dept is so very grateful to everyone who donated, volunteered and supported this event.